Saturday, July 19, 2008

Independence Day

This year for the Forth of July, Travis, Summer and their boys came up and stayed a couple of nights with us. It is starting to become a little tradition of ours. In the morning we met Cory, Jessica and Brady at the Roseville parade. It was a lot cooler this year, than last, so we didn't mind sitting out in the sun.
Above: Ethan and Kabien watch the cars drive by.
Below: Summer, Melanie and Jessica take advantage of the lawn chairs.
That evening everyone met back at our place for Taco Salad and cookies... yum. Later we drove over to the Placer County fair grounds for the fireworks show. Below: all the boys were lying on the blanket watching, it was really cute. Megan spent the whole eveing lookin for more cookies. She is our little piglet!

Below: Megan and cousin Brady discuss the benefits of life without hair.

Ahhh... what a cute family!

1 comment:

Keith and Jennie said...

You do have a cute family! Plans for any more?