Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Matter of fact...

So Ethan has become know as the matter of fact kid. He says it like it is, and can always explain what is going on. Here are some examples of our recent conversations.

I always have these weird vivid dreams and usually Joel is the one that gets to hear about them in the morning, but since he was out of town this particular morning I shared with Ethan. I told him that I was dreaming that my front teeth were falling out and I kept trying to put them back in but they wouldn't stay. I told him I didn't know what to do.

His response: "Put them under you pillow mommy, then the tooth fairy will leave you money."

One evening Ethan was really enjoying dinner (I don't remember what were were having) and kept going on and on about how great it was. He asked me how I made such a wonderful meal. I simply told him that I was just amazing.

His response: "So... you have no idea"

1 comment:

The Higginbothams said...

That last one is hillarious. I can just hear it now. He's a 5-year-old know-it-all. Haha. Good luck when he's older. ;)